Walking home alone wasn't something I was very excited about. Especially at this time of night. If only my pussy boyfriend had walked me home. Hell, I had eluded my parents just to come see him. The least he could do was walk me home.

It was midsummer, but the temperature didn't reflect it. A chilling breeze had raised the short hairs on the back of my neck. My thin long sleeved shirt and jeans weren't enough to keep me, or anybody else, warm on a night like this.

My walk home was accompanied by a haunting silence and fearful thoughts. The streets were empty, and the only light was a faint glow provided by the moon and stars, so far away.

I was almost a block from my house when I heard a mysterious stirring just behind me. My feet had stopped moving, freezing in place with fear. It might have been an animal...or the wind? Or maybe, it was my boyfriend, coming to rescue me from the dark.

I didn't want to consider what it could be.

Turning around, I released a few words. “Bobby? Is that you?” My voice stopped short, the cold thieving the few words I'd let out.

No response.

I turned back toward my destination, and continued on. My gate was rushed now, as I was not going to fall victim to whoever was following shortly behind.

The air seemed to grow colder, suffocating me with a fresh blanket of fear. I felt my feet carry me faster, almost to the point of running.

“Hey, Jenna.” A voice whispered from behind me.

My legs stopped short, fear and anxiety freezing them in place. I slowly turned around in response to my name. It still could have been Bobby.

“Bobby, what are you doing?” I yelled out, coughing for more oxygen. When I was scared, I tended to release all present air in my lungs. Which, wasn't a very good thing.

I couldn't make out another word before he grabbed me. It was a man who came from behind, furthermost to my house. He held around my chest and shoved a gloved hand into my mouth to muffle my cries for help.

The strong arms restraining me wouldn't budge. No matter how much I struggled or fought, I couldn't get free. I bit down hard on the man's hand that intruded my mouth, hoping to cause him enough pain to the point he'd release me.

I felt a needle poke my side, or was it a knife? I couldn't tell. After a few moments, my thoughts began to leave me. Fear and pain escaping with them. My panic, however, remained. I kept fighting, kept struggling to get away from the mysterious stalker.

Newly formed tears clouded my vision, making it nearly impossible to see. The dark sidewalk just ahead of me was the extent of my vision. Then, something else came into view.

The second man was just ahead, approaching with a small white cloth drenched in a putrid liquid grasped in his right hand. My heart pumped faster with each step he took, adrenaline fueling my fight even more, which was completely useless against my restrainer's strength.

The approaching man now stood before me, clothed in a large black sweatshirt with the hood's shadow covering the topmost half of his face. I could see nothing of him but his lips, that just happened to be curled into a wicked grin.

He held up the cloth, pressing it tightly against my mouth and nose. The scent was unpleasant, and caused my eyes to droop and my vision to falter, within seconds of impact.

I struggled more, my fight slowly weakening. His hood had fallen back down, revealing his face.

I could only manage one more thought before I slipped from consciousness.

It wasn't Bobby.

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    This is only for me to better my writing. Comment aren't exactly necessary, yes I'm implying that somewhat might read this, but are accepted. Be as critical as you may, but I'm not going to quit this. It may just help.


    June 2013

